Friday 8 April 2011

‘Fast Unto Death’ In The Times Of Twitter

On April 5th. a Gandhian activist known as Anna Hazare started a ‘fast unto death’ to exert pressure on the Indian government to enact a strong anti-corruption act as in the Jan Lokpal Bill.

The Jan Lokpal Bill or the Citizen’s Ombudsman Bill is a draft anti-corruption bill that would create a Jan Lokpal, or an independent body (like the Election Commission) which would have the power to prosecute politicans and bureaucrats without government permission. Incidentally, the Lokpall Bill drafted by the government has failed to pass the Rajya Sabha for 42 years.

Hazare’s fast is fuelling a mass anti-corruption drive in India, and has roped in several hundred thousand supporters for the man, thanks to the Internet and social media. takes a quick look at how Hazare is trending in the Web.

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